Exactly as my brother requested it to be. His wishes for a simple no fuss cremation were respected and I am glad that I knew what he wanted.
– Kath

Making funeral arrangements can be overwhelming, as there are lots of elements to consider. We know that knowing the wishes of the person who has died results in a better funeral arranging experience and gifting wishes can be very consoling.
Knowing that the person who died expressed their own final wishes about things like funeral flowers, the type of service they wanted, or other personal details, can make things significantly easier. These funeral wishes do not need to be detailed or complex; simply knowing a preferred flower, music choice, or poem can make a difference to the friends, family members or others who will be responsible for arranging a service for you one day.
Whether you have thought about what you want from your funeral or not, it is never too late to look at options and write down your wishes as a guide. At Full Circle Funerals, we know what a big difference it can make to have a reference like this when you die.
If you’re uncertain about what options are available or how to express your funeral wishes, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We can assist you over the phone, via Zoom, or in person (where practical). There is no obligation to use our services after this conversation. We genuinely believe that documenting funeral wishes is important, and we are happy to do whatever we can to help you ensure your funeral wishes are followed.
A funeral wishes document is an opportunity to outline what you want from your funeral service. Sometimes, this can be a comprehensive plan for your friends and family, while in other cases it may just contain a few specific wishes that will add your personal touch to the arrangements.
Everyone is different. Some people choose to plan their own funeral as part of end-of-life planning, after attending a recent funeral, or because they have a life-limiting condition. Putting your ideas into a separate document outside your will or any other paperwork can make it easier to arrange your funeral at what can be a difficult time.
These documents are not legally binding. However, expressing your wishes clearly outside of your will and discussing your wishes with your executor will make it much more likely that they are followed. It’s helpful to know how to document funeral wishes and the types of choices you need to make, as this will create a strong, structured document for the executors appointed in your will to follow. There is also the option to buy a pre-paid funeral plan, which enables you to get more involved in the planning process and makes it even more likely that your instructions are followed.
Funeral wishes are not the same as a pre-paid funeral plan, but they can be expressed separately from, or in conjunction with this type of plan. A wishes document is an opportunity to outline your final wishes and express your preferences about what matters to you, like flowers, music, poems or other things you would like at your service, but as we have noted, these requests are not binding. With a pre-paid funeral plan, you pay for the things you want at your funeral up-front, which can give you more control over the service.
Whichever approach you choose, pre-planning funeral arrangements helps clarify your preferences, whether you are using a funeral planning template or creating your own funeral wishes checklist. Sharing your preferences can ease the decision-making burden on your family and friends when the time comes to make arrangements. Choosing to pre-pay for a funeral plan means that you will also remove any financial burden on your estate (if you have one) to cover the costs.
You don’t have to create a funeral wishes document or engage in advance funeral planning, but there are many good reasons to do so. It can help to make sure that your funeral represents the things that were important to you, and it simplifies the process for both the person making the arrangements. If you have created those wishes with the support of a funeral director then the guidance that they can provide to your friends and family is even more personal.
When the people arranging a funeral know what the person who died wanted, they describe feeling a great sense of relief and consolation at being able to fulfil those wishes. Studies show that people who know the wishes of the person who died when they are arranging a funeral report having a more positive experience, which promotes a sense of control and wellbeing. This is supported by the findings of a large research project we recently conducted with academics from the University of York.
At Full Circle Funerals, we know that planning a funeral well in advance can be challenging. That’s why we’ve created a Funeral Wishes Document you can use to guide your decisions. You don’t have to complete it in full – just fill in the sections that feel important to you. For those who are unsure how to talk about funeral wishes, it can be helpful to use a funeral wishes template to guide these important conversations.
The team at Full Circle Funerals understands how important funeral wishes can be, not only to your executor and any other decision makers, but to family members, friends and anyone else who will attend your funeral. That’s why, regardless of your circumstances, we are here to assist you in sharing your wishes through a simple funeral wishes document.
You don’t just have to use the template – if you need help, we offer a no-cost meeting to discuss your preferences and guide you in documenting them. Using a funeral plan template or a funeral checklist can also be very useful during this process. Additionally, our book, “Funerals Your Way,” may provide you with further insights and examples of how to write your funeral wishes.
For advice on how to talk about funeral wishes, how to write your funeral wishes and how to make the important decisions that are involved, contact an expert funeral director from Full Circle Funerals today.
Exactly as my brother requested it to be. His wishes for a simple no fuss cremation were respected and I am glad that I knew what he wanted.
– Kath
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