Dying Matters Week 2022

Dying Matters Week is an annual event where local communities are encouraged to host events to promote conversations about death, dying and bereavement. Dying Matters Week is about encouraging gentle and important conversations so that people are empowered to receive the best possible care at the end of their lives and after bereavement.
Team Full Circle Team were able to support a number of events across the region and it was really lovely to be able to get out into communities to share information and answer questions. We supported a Funeral Wishes and End-of-Life Planning coffee morning at MAR Care, invited people to discuss their wishes at FCF Guiseley and Nicola and Martin (link to FD Leeds page) spend a day at Kirkgate Market in Leeds.
We met lots of interesting and inspiring people, heard from other professionals about work they were doing to support people from across Yorkshire and answered some important questions from people who took the time to come along to meet us.
Although Dying Matters Week is but once a year, we would encourage people to have these conversations whenever they are ready (regardless of the time of year) – so get in touch if there is anything that we can help with!